Thursday, February 19, 2009

Finally On !

Ok, so I have finally gotten on....Literally with a with a newborn laying across my lap. They say you can't spoil a newborn, I have to disagree. He already knows exactly where he want's to be...right in my arms!!! I can't seem to put him down, it is though my arms are glued to his tiny body! :)
Well, I am venturing off to design this page, oh and by the way, Leah's Lips was Jimmy's idea, he wanted to make sure that I let everyone know that was his idea.

Ta Ta for now,


1 comment:

  1. worked it...I knew you could...haha sooo funny you did this with Cody laying across your lap. And a snuggling newborn in your arms really can't be's probably Grandma's turn again. I'll help with the page as best I can, but I'm kind of tipy. Jim's much better...if you had time I know you'd figure it out much faster than I did. By the way, I think Leah's Lips is perfect...ttyl Love me
