Thursday, February 19, 2009

A complete Bonehead!!!

So, it's been an hour, and I have decided that I am a complete bonehead to this whole thing!! I have accomplished nothing, and at this point I am not even sure if this is being directed so everyone can read this???? I have however, figured out to leave blogs :) (hooray!) Well, I have 3 wild children running through the house, playing hide and go seek in the dark, making this whole experience much more frustrating, so I will attempt this when all are off to school tomorrow! Debbie I may have to have you come set this up.


Finally On !

Ok, so I have finally gotten on....Literally with a with a newborn laying across my lap. They say you can't spoil a newborn, I have to disagree. He already knows exactly where he want's to be...right in my arms!!! I can't seem to put him down, it is though my arms are glued to his tiny body! :)
Well, I am venturing off to design this page, oh and by the way, Leah's Lips was Jimmy's idea, he wanted to make sure that I let everyone know that was his idea.

Ta Ta for now,
